  1.  11
    Heresy and Epithet: An Approach to the Problem of Latin Averroism, III.Stuart Mac Clintock - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 8 (3):526 - 545.
    We are once again back to the faculty of arts and to Siger of Brabant, and we are concerned to set forth his attitude toward the problem of the soul in Aristotle, not paraphrasing it, as was done earlier, but giving it in terms of the analytical discussion of the preceding two sections. A vitally important point must be made at the outset: Siger is not consciously attempting to accommodate Aristotle to the Faith. He is interested only in reconstructing the (...)
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  2.  14
    Heresy and Epithet: An Approach to the Problem of Latin Averroism, II.Stuart Mac Clintock - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 8 (2):342 - 356.
    Secondly, there is the approach of Augustine. Augustine focusses his original attention on the fact of understanding of immaterial substances, and thus can be said to begin his investigation of the soul with a conception of the soul as a substance separate in itself, apprehending universals in an immediate and direct act. Augustine, and the philosophers in this tradition, face the reverse of Aristotle's problem, for they must try to account for the fact of sensation with which he began, and (...)
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  3.  42
    Heresy and Epithet: An Approach to the Problem of Latin Averroism, I.Stuart Mac Clintock - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 8 (1):176 - 199.
    The situation after the 13th century, however, badly needs to be clarified by additional detailed research. Bruno Nardi and Anneliese Maier have exhibited a nice understanding of the extraordinary complexities surrounding the question of what "Averroism" might be during this later period, but they stand nearly alone in this knowledge; even Gilson is content to dismiss, with a few strokes of the pen, the entire "Averroist" tradition as authority-bound, sterile, and doomed to early extinction through sheer stagnation. But the very (...)
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